Everything You Need to Know About Coffee

Everything You Need to Know About Coffee

Discover the surprising facts and health benefits of coffee


3 min read

Ah yes, who doesn't know a coffee? Some people believe that coffee is more than just a drink, It's an art, a science, a culture, and a passion. Also, coffee can be used for social interaction. In North America and a lot of Western European countries, Starbucks and other major chains have dominated the market because they are providing customers with a complete experience with coffee. Coffee and friends, coffee and work, coffee and snacks, coffee to go.

If we look back centuries to the ancient coffee forests on the Ethiopian plateau. There is a legend that says the goat herder Kaldi first discovered the potential of these beloved beans. The story goes that Kaldi discovered coffee after he noticed that after eating the berries from a certain tree, his goats became so energetic that they did not want to sleep at night.

Kaldi made a drink with the berries and knowledge of the energizing berries began to spread. The coffee moved to the east and reached the Arabian peninsula, it began a journey that would bring these beans across the globe.

There are two main types of coffee: Arabica and Robusta. Arabica beans tend to have a sweeter, softer taste, with tones of sugar, fruit, and berries. Arabica beans have a higher acidity which can make a winey taste. Robusta, on the other hand, has a more bitter taste, strong taste, and peanutty aftertaste. However, Robustas are of high quality and value, especially espresso.

Nowadays, coffee is regularly reported in the news or scientific research for its benefits and its dangers. Let's go to the benefits first.

Coffee is good for Cardiovascular Health. The studies suggest that drinking just one cup of coffee a day could lower the heart attack risk. Moreover, the study showed that drinking 2 or 3 cups of coffee a day could drop by 12% in heart disease and 18% had a lower risk. Also, coffee could reduce stroke risk. Just one cup could reduce the chance of stroke by 20%. However, there are disadvantages to drinking coffee.

Coffee can cause insomnia and restlessness. Too much coffee can seriously hinder good-quality sleep and even lead to insomnia. If it continues to experience poor sleep patterns, it could impact health. Moreover, coffee could lead to high blood pressure. Studies showed after drinking coffee, the caffeine content raises blood pressure for up to three hours. Too much coffee can potentially be harmful to health.

Right, that's all for a little lesson about coffee. Hopefully, this article is quite helpful to you and you learn something new today. Stay curious and have a nice day.


  1. 16 most interesting facts to know about coffee - Agiboo (2018). Available at: https://www.agiboo.com/16-interesting-facts-about-coffee/ (Accessed: 15 October 2021).

  2. Association, N., Coffee, A. and Coffee, H. (2021) The History of Coffee, Ncausa.org. Available at: https://www.ncausa.org/About-Coffee/History-of-Coffee (Accessed: 15 October 2021).

  3. The Advantages and Disadvantages Of Drinking Coffee - Coffee Corner (2021). Available at: https://coffeecorner.com/general/advantages-disadvantages-drinking-coffee/ (Accessed: 15 October 2021).

  4. Surprising Facts About Coffee (2018). Available at: https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/health/diet-nutrition/a30303/facts-about-coffee/ (Accessed: 15 October 2021).

  5. Pack, T. (2021) 10 differences Between Robusta & Arabica Coffee, The Roasters Pack. Available at: https://theroasterspack.com/blogs/news/15409365-10-differences-between-robusta-arabica-coffee (Accessed: 15 October 2021).