How Smoking Affects Your Body

How Smoking Affects Your Body

Understand the Deadly Impact of Smoking and Why It's Tough to Quit


2 min read

Smoking is the habit of inhaling and exhaling the fumes of burning plant material. This habit is not strange to us in our ears. Smoking is commonly associated with tobacco as smoked in a cigarette, cigar, or pipe. Did you know, that tobacco can cause more than 7 million deaths and 1.2 million deaths are among non-smokers? Which is smoking could lead people to die faster. Well, for further explanation here is a few details of why this habit could kill us.

Inhaling any smoke is harmful. Smoking can impact the lungs in several ways. One of the most common smoking-related lung conditions is Emphysema. Emphysema can reduce the number of alveoli and break down the wall between them. This makes it difficult to breathe, a person may need an oxygen mask over time.

Addiction. Funny but true most smokers want to stop because they know about their health risks. But many of them keep smoking. That proves people are already addicted to nicotine which is one of the industrial strategies. The nicotine in tobacco gets rapidly into their brain and creates a need to continue to smoke. The falling level of nicotine creates the urge to smoke. Controlling these urges is the key to being able to trigger the habit.

Smoking increases the cancer risk. This is the worst case of a smoking habit. Tobacco smoke contains around 7000 chemicals, of which at least 69 can cause cancer. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in both men and women. Not only lung cancer, but almost all bodies can also increase the cancer risk such as the mouth, larynx or voice box and pharynx or throat. Cigars, pipes, cigarettes, and other forms of tobacco all cause cancer and other health problems.

Giving up smoking is difficult for many people, but the number of former smokers is increasing all the time. If some of you want to quit smoking there are a lot of efforts to make and once it succeeds, it could reduce many risks, especially cancer. Hopefully, this article makes you aware of smoking and as always, have a nice day.


  1. Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking (2020). Available at:

  2. 7 natural ways to cleanse your lungs (2021). Available at:

  3. Why is smoking bad for me? - British Lung Foundation (2016). Available at:

  4. Tobacco (2021). Available at: