How to Stop Bullying: Tips for Prevention

How to Stop Bullying: Tips for Prevention

Steps to Take for Talking When Issues Arise


2 min read

I look stupid. I look miserable. I feel useless. There are many negative thoughts caused by bullying. Bullying is an epidemic that impacts children of all ages. Every school in the country experiences some level of bullying and most likely are teenagers. Did you know, that 16% of bullied children say they have been hit, kicked, shoved around, or locked in a room? Moreover, over 15% of bullied students were made fun of by how they looked. It shows us how serious the problem of bullying is in our society. However, here are some tips to avoid bullying.

Appear confident. Bullies look for kids who display insecurity, fear, and low self-esteem. Teaching kids to appear confident is sometimes easier than teaching them to tell the bully to stop. How victims respond or how the tone of their voice can signal that kids might make an easy target for bullying.

Keep the communication open. Parents, school staff, and other caring adults have a role to play in preventing bullying. Look and check your kids often. Listen to them carefully, know their friends, ask about school, and understand their concerns. Your kids will have a lot of things to say and it will make them more confident and build self-esteem.

Build self-esteem. Self-esteem is the main component of bullying prevention. Kids with healthy self-esteem are more confident and capable. If the kids have healthy self-esteem and one day they are targeted by bullies, they have an easier time coping with the bullying.

Lastly, teach your children what do to if they see bullying. As a parent, they don't want their children to turn into a bullied victim at school. Try to teach them how to deal with bullying. When your children are aware of bullying, encourage them to avoid joining in. Instead, teach them to tell the bully to stop, and then help the victim leave or go tell an adult.

Dealing with bullying can be stressful for both parents and kids. But, the first step of defence against bullying is being prepared. Children must well know how to avoid bullies at school and understand what to do if they are targeted. Hopefully, the tips above are helpful, no need to be afraid of bullying, and as always have a nice day.


  1. 6 Tips to Help Your Child Avoid Bullying - Boone County Health Center (2017). Available at:

  2. How to Prevent Bullying (2019). Available at:

  3. Ten Tips To Prevent Bullying | MomsTeam (2021). Available at:

  4. 8 Skills That Discourage Bullies From Targeting Your Child (2021). Available at: